A planning application has been received by CBC for Baystrait House, the brown brick building outside the railway station, for its conversion into residential flats. This is a huge disappointment to the businesses using this prime office space, that is at a premium in Biggleswade. Details of the application can be found in the CBC planning portal using reference CB/19/01600/PADO.
Sadly, a previous set of outline applications have received prior approval under permitted development, despite 11 objections from residents (CB/16/05089/PADO, CB/16/05095/PADO, CB/16/05103/PADO). This is because it is permitted by government. Recently Luton Council revoked this permission and it would be great to see the same for Biggleswade.
Objections can still be made, particularly based upon the conditions set out in the previous pre-approved plan around concerns about noise and vibration from the railway.