CBC has yet another application for up to 412 homes to the north of Biggleswade going through its planning process. Although seemingly ‘greener’ than most, with the provision of allotments next to the railway line, there has been no consideration for infrastructure – doctors, dentists, schools, roads and parking that are already groaning under the weight of existing demand.
The applicants openly admit this proposal would sit on prime arable farming land, part of the beautiful countryside which we are rapidly losing from all around us. This application has been prepared in light of the Central Beds local plan – which has yet to be approved! It almost seems that the local plan is being adopted piecemeal, ahead of any formal scrutiny. There is also talk of the fantastic rail links in Biggleswade, but no mention of how the town will support increased numbers of people wanting to park at the station which is already at capacity.
I have heard nothing about this application from existing councillors and this is where we need support at council, someone speaking for Biggleswade and objecting to development that gives no though to supporting infrastructure.
The link to view the application is here.
Given there is an election on 2nd May, the following details are known as an election ‘imprint’ and are added to ensure people realise I am a candidate and all is transparent:
Promoted by Hayley Whitaker, 3 Sutton Road, Eyeworth, SG19 2TP.